How To Add Cisco ASA In EVE-NG
We know most of techies are aware from these kind of things like how to upload the route/switch/asa images in eve-ng. but you can’t deny that we have done these things many time but also forgetting it after passing few days. It is not our mistake. Because EVE-NG is also not a easy thing. It requires the many settings and changes through commands as well as different procedure for each type of device.
I like EVE-NG because it provides the simulation exact like real device and with zero error in most of cases.
People preparing for CCIE Security Lab can leverage Qemu Cisco ASA image in EVE-NG and perform task that would otherwise require hardware ASA.
You can download the images from below blog link: remember these images are not hosted on our server and we are providing the links , shared by volunteers.
If you want to do configure ASA in GUI mode then you should also download the ASDM image.
This will help you step by step to add Cisco ASA to Eve-NG.
Follow Below Steps to add Cisco ASA to Eve-NG
1. Download the ASA IOS image on your desktop
2. Open the VMware and run (on) the eve-ng
3. Open the winscp and do login using eve-ng IP addess and credentials
Username: root
Password: eve
4. Go to below address in Winscp
5. Create a folder as asa-9.1.5 (folder name and location should be same as below)
6. Upload the ASA IOS image on above address (simply drag and drop or copy and paste)
7. Login in eve-ng using SSH (username: root and password: eve).
3. Run the below command in SSH session to fix the permission
/opt/unetlab/wrappers/unl_wrapper -a fixpermissions
4. Adding Cisco ASA in topology in eve-ng
Open the eve-ng
Username: admin
Password: eve
Right click and click on node
select cisco ASAv
click on save button
Right click on ASA icon and then click on start
Double click on ASA icon , once colour coverts in blue. now ASA will be boot and ready to use
Thanks for reading …………………..
You should also read the below bogs:
Finally i added it